Staying Alive
A show in Graz provokes reflections on diverse urban, subjective experiences of time
Am 22. Mai 2021 war die Autorin, Forscherin und Redakteurin Rosalyn D`Mello in Graz, um sich die Ausstellung »If Time Is Still Alive« anzusehen und mit einem der Kuratoren der Ausstellung, Helmut Weber (Urban Subjects) , zu sprechen. Vor kurzem erschien ihr wunderbarer Text auf stirworld:
»Wanderlust aside, I was seduced by the title of the show I was invited to see at Camera Austria, an institution housed within the alien-mothership-shaped Kunsthaus Graz, at Südtirolerplatz, in front of the River Mur. As I spent my many hours nursing friendships with loved ones back home in India, many of whom, like me, had been anxious about contending with the beginnings of the apocalyptic second wave, I thought about the vulnerable conditionality implicit in the title—If Time is Still Alive. What did it mean for anything to be still alive. What constituted the parameters of aliveness? And how could we, within such an extended moment of immense frailty and collective mourning, revisit and reconsider our conception of time«
Weiter zum Artikel: Staying Alive. A show in Graz, Austria, provokes reflections on diverse urban, subjective experiences of time.